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For Sales Succes & Public Speaking

Areas getting more hell yes'es from your

dream clients, in alignment, excitement & ease

all offers can be tailored to your needs

Sales Leadership Training

Sales Leadership Training with horses provides a dynamic and memorable way to develop essential sales leadership skills, ultimately leading to more effective sales leaders, improved customer relationships, and enhanced sales team performance

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Speaking Training

Public Speaking Training with horses is a unique and experiential approach to enhancing public speaking skills. This form of coaching involves interacting with horses to develop various aspects of effective stage presence, communication, and presentation abilities.

Getting to Yes - Improving sales skills with Horses

Testimonials whose Lives have changed after the session with the Horses.

Client Stories: Sales & Public Speaking

Client Stories: Sales and Public Speaking

Client Stories: Sales and Public Speaking

Client Stories: Sales and Public Speaking
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Client Story: Speaking Coaching with Horses – Everything is Energy

Client Story: Speaking Coaching with Horses – Everything is Energy

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Experience Talk - Speaking Coaching with Horses  – Speak from your heart not your head

Experience Talk - Speaking Coaching with Horses – Speak from your heart not your head

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Client Story: Sales Coaching with Horses - Solve a deep-rooted Issue in her Sales Process

Client Story: Sales Coaching with Horses - Solve a deep-rooted Issue in her Sales Process

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Client Story: Sales Coaching with the Horses - From Fear to Fearless Sales

Client Story: Sales Coaching with the Horses - From Fear to Fearless Sales

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How the Horse coaching works...

Leading clients and your boss, your managers - the next stage includes leading the ones you serve. Instead of taking and following orders, you are leading your clients and your boss professionally and proactively with foresight and taking the initiative.

Leadership is most important in the sales process and the negotiation process, so when you are selling your services you need to lead and when you need to negotiate a project, position, or salary with your manager.  The horses show you where you are leading your clients and your managers or where you are being led, right up to sales and negotiation skills. 

Leading others and the masses - and the ability to influence others.  From leading 5 to thousands the principle is the same - you need to motivate, inspire, encourage, praise, give direction, empower others, and lastly it all depends on your ability to influence others. Together with the horses we can test the abilities of leadership on the highest level including emotional intelligence and inspiration. When the horses follow your lead without any tools, you are ready to be an influential leader. 

At the end of the day, success is a combination of the ability to lead in all areas, leading yourself, your immediate surrounding and leading the masses.  


"Horses mirror our leadership style, our body language, our thoughts and our energy. This immediate and real-life feedback gives leaders the opportunity to directly experience their leadership style and adapt to develop into the leader they want to be. In these trainings a new level of leadership, presence, authority and confidence can be achieved. In order to succeed as leaders these are the skills that especially women need more than ever. This unique experience with the horses enables leaders to re-create the newly learned habits any time and forever."

Nadia Boersch 

How to work with us
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For Everyone:

Free experiential events

Open-enrollment workshops


For Companies

Full-day trainings tailored specifically for companies 


Programs that run over several months for young managers and female leaders 

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Private Sessions

Personalized individual coaching sessions available with the horses either in person and also in an online format



Are you hunting your clients or customers, or are you inviting them to buy from you? Are you confident in your sales pitch? When it comes to closing - do you stand your ground? Do clients say yes immediately, or do they take forever to get back to you? Especially as Coaches, Trainers and Consultants, pitching to clients and closing the deal depends only on us - our ability to be confident and to stand our ground. The horses teach us all of these skills with ease.

Benefits for sales & Speaking

Costumer-Centric Focus

Practice focusing on the needs and preferences of the horse (the "customer"), reinforcing a customer-centric mindset in their sales approach.


Personal Growth

The experience fosters personal growth by challenging salespeople to overcome limitations, develop a growth mindset, and become more resilient


Positive Sales Culture

Positive influence on the sales team's culture by modeling effective communication, collaboration, and leadership qualities.

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Presence & Awarene

Horses promote being present and aware, crucial elements for effective communication and impactful speaking.

Sales Team Collaboration

 Some horse coaching exercises involve leading a team of horses to accomplish tasks. Salespeople gain insights into teamwork, collaboration, and effective team leadership.

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Authentic Communication

Horses are highly perceptive and respond to non-verbal cues. Interacting with them enhances authenticity in communication.

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THe Impact

Dr. Fadil Citaku, PhD, Professor of Leadership and Owner of the Academy of Leadership Sciences in Zurich Switzerland about his experience on what we can learn from horses on actually DOING leadership and about the two main leadership factors EQ and IQ. 

Michelle Olufeso, Financial & Accounting Expert, gives insights into how her life changed after spending 4 days with the horses in Nadia's training. The funny thing is, as a left-brain thinker Michelle does not do animals and much less emotions, so the experiences she had were beyond surprising to her. 


Leadership Training: 

“We started to find out what are the leadership techniques, the weaknesses, and strengths inside each one of us, and then we learned to encounter, to face them or to challenge them. To understand what are the areas we need to work on ourselves. I learned a lot about my own leadership style and also how to be a good follower. I had a lot of enlightening and breakthroughs during this workshop. I  highly recommend this workshop for everybody who wants to grow and who wants to reach a higher level of character and personality in private and career. "

Awin Tavakoli, Lawyer & Business Advisory 


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Booking me as a speaker or for a workshop? 

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